Patents protect devices, compositions of matter, processes, machines, and the like against unauthorized duplication. Patents come in three kinds: utility, design, and plant. Patents start from the U.S. Constitution, Article I Section 8. LEARN MORE
Trademarks protect your brand and its goodwill from imitators. Trademarks have four kinds: trademarks, servicemarks, certification marks, and collective marks. Trademarks begin in common law and now have a statutory basis. LEARN MORE
Intellectual Property includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other specialties. These specialties call for individual attention by our firm because each matter generally has custom, unique, and unusual features. LEARN MORE
Copyrights protect your work from imitators. Copyright arises upon creation of a work such as a document, book, sound recording, software program in object code or source code, film, sculpture, architectural plans, and the like. LEARN MORE